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Green Garter Route

The first route to be identified by the Connecting the Elephant Community Street Forum is a potential Green Walking Route, the Green Garter that circumnavigates the Elephant and Castle.

This route goes through a wide variety of areas architecturally, culturally and historically. It passes through many pleasant green spaces as well as through areas of high-density urban accommodation. Every time a corner is turned there is another surprise: beautiful Georgian squares, a sculpture by Henry Moore, a weird walkway in 70s utopia estate design style, lots of little houses designed for low paid Victorian city workers so they could walk to work, hidden pubs and gardens. This route links areas where for centuries rich and poor and people of different cultures have lived and worked and where the story still continues�

Our aim is that by creating excitement and interest in the history of the area with members of the different communities along the way and through linking people together with this route, we will help to break down a few of the barriers that divide people culturally.

Local residents and workers will be invited to participate in Street Audits of this route which will look at how it can be made more people-friendly and safe.

Problems to be looked at might include roads that are difficult to cross, the timings of pedestrian traffic signals, narrow pavements that increase feelings of fear when passing another person, lighting, as well as perceived and real dangers along the route.

The Forum has already done informal audits of the route and is planning more in-depth audits as well as mapping useful info along the way. We also aim to produce a guided walk booklet of the route.